Monday, December 13, 2010

Killing the messenger sends the wrong message . . .

     It's probably not going to end well for our hero, Julian Assange, and he probably knows that.  Personally I think he has been prepared for this from the outset of his passionate crusade of exposing the truth.  Anyone with his level of internet-savvy, or for that matter, just about anyone who uses a computer has witnessed the "powers that be" trying to maneuver into positions of control over this last bastion of free speech, or the name I love, the Blogosphere.  Should the United States use its bullying tactics to override the Swedish legal system (really, who's going to stop them) and force them to hand over Mr. Assange after they extradite him from his current holding cell in Britain, where we should point out, he turned himself in in regards to Sweden's warrants for his arrest on rape and molestation charges, they would have him skewered and roasted before anyone could say false arrest.
     Apparently the Swedish court has dropped the "rape" charge and only holds on to the molestation one since one of the two women accusers, Ann Ardin, seems to have fled and information from her or about her seems to be systematically disappearing on the web.
This woman has past ties to the CIA, need we say more.  This was a sloppy set-up and having no real charges other than "you embarrassed the once and powerful USA", the American military-industrial controllers of freedom are at this moment changing laws and drumming up charges.  The corporate media spin machine has already whipped the sheeple into a frenzy of "Kill the Messenger"!!!
     That's the other thing, WikiLeaks did not steal the information from the Pentagon, they only printed it just like the New York Times and the Guardian in Britain. Does the term Free Press mean anything anymore?  Of course not, you silly progressive liberals.  The real source of the memos and videos so far produced, and this is not funny, is a young disgruntled Pfc. Bradley Manning who now, at last check anyway, is sitting in a cell at Quantico military prison. The accusations he faces for leaking this info, violations of the Military Code of Justice, could bring him a fifty-two year sentence with no pay and a dishonorable discharge.  The trial may not be for another year and this mouse would not be surprised if the Brass, under pressure from those who benefit most from the secrecy of their corruption, find a way to escalate the charges and execute the poor boy.
     Freedom of speech, one of the most important fucking concepts that this country was founded upon, is now becoming equal to treason.  The Patriot Act, the most un-American and hideously fascist piece of work slipped under the noses of the populace under false pretense, has enabled the systematic destruction of our Constitution and hard-gained civil rights.  The FBI are rounding up political dissenters in unprecedented numbers.  We need WikiLeaks, we need a free internet, we need free speech and a free press and we can never stop fighting for the truth to be made public.  Wouldn't it be nice if Sweden told the United States, "Fuck off!, we're not playing your silly games anymore!, and we won't let you kill the messenger!".

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