Monday, December 6, 2010

Angry Democrats?

     The Daily Beast (recommended reading) reports today that the Democrats are "Angry" over their compromise on the tax cut issue this weekend.  Yes, they went ahead and caved to the Republicans once more continuing the "Bush tax cuts for the rich" program for two more years making it quite certain that this will become a permanent gift to the rich for years to come.
Let me say to the Democrats . . . "You're angry? Well the majority in this country is F***ING IRATE!!".  too little, too late is the only phrase that comes to mind.  We voted you back some power in 2006 during the worst decade in U.S. history and what did you do with it? . . . shit!  The Republicans ran all over you as if you weren't even there and then again in 2008 we gave you a landslide victory and still the Republicans as a minority have been able to decimate all attempts at social reform.  You Democrats have pissed away any political capital you could have used to push through a progressive agenda.  With two years to go, I would have to say that we already have a lame-duck President to go along with a bunch of lame Democrats.
     I have to give it to the Republicans . . . they've been up front about their agenda since the Supreme Court appointed George W. Bush to the office of President in 2000.  They want a permanent Right-wing judiciary to make it extremely difficult for any progressive change on the local level because they are prone to appeal such cases all the way to the Supreme Court where they have the "court advantage".  They established the "rule by bullying" principle and rammed through Congress everything they've been screaming for since Nixon as soon as they had the power to do so.  The first thing they did with a rather hefty surplus in the Treasury was to give it to the Rich.  They blattenly stripped away environmental protection laws to suit their corporate supporters bringing them unheard of profits and an open door to grab control of the government even to the point of (and this is while you Democrat weaklings were supposedly in power) actually applying "personhood" to corporations making that control done and paid for.
     The Democratic Party has clearly failed us progressives and it is time to say goodbye.  We have been afraid to do this because we have no viable alternative and the usual cry of "voting against a Democrat is a vote for a Republican, chose the lesser of two evils".  As we now know, this doesn't work.  Let the Democrats have their hissy-fit on their way out the door.  We need a strong Progressive Party and nothing less. This could take years and things are going to get allot worse for most Americans before they get better.
     "Civil rights are not won by those afraid to lose." - attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr.

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