Tuesday, December 21, 2010

So, thank goodness you're not a transsexual.

First, click on this article and read. . .


Now,let's get personal.  I am a transsexual, a pre-op transsexual to be specific.  What that means to the uninitiated  is that I have not undergone gender-reassignment-surgery otherwise known as GRS.  I haven't because I can't afford it.  Medicare won't pay for it even though it is the recommended procedure for my condition acknowledged by the AMA and all the psychs, therapists and gender counselors that I've had the pleasure of spilling my guts to. (among other probes and fondles) There are some insurance companies that will pay for GRS, mostly the ones subscribed to by large corporations who see beyond gender discrimination, but not our Federally supported health insurance run by regressive, unenlightened bureaucrats. But that's a rant for another time.
I began my ingestion of hormones , HRT, (hormone replacement therapy) more than seven years ago under strict
supervision of doctors at the Callen-Lourde Clinic in NYC.  Before I could start, however, I had to get evaluations from at least two mental health professionals, one Psychiatrist and one Psychologist to satisfy and comply with the "Standards of Care" for transsexuals adapted from the studies and developed procedures of Dr. Harry Benjamin.  Those going through transition call this "Jumping through the hoops".  Part of my hoop-jumping was being lectured at least three times about the possible life-threatening dangers of being pumped full of estrogen at the levels of a teenager along with a huge dose of anti-androgen (testosterone suppressant) in order to physically change my prison of a male body into a hopefully passable or at least somewhat more comfortable female one.  With all the horrible side affects that could happen, cancers, strokes, heart failure mentioned in the previous article why would anyone chose to do this?  Because when a transsexual is facing this "choice", the only other option is not to go on living at all.
After GRS the estrogen levels can be reduced and the anti-androgen eliminated but not until then which means that those of us who can't afford the operation must continue to live with the risks, die from them, or until the depression of living in an incomplete state takes its toll and we go back to door number two.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

When Religion Becomes Fatal

     This is a tough one and the Mouse is bothered.  I am no fan of most of today's religions.  Like nationalism, it allows one to believe that their way is the one true way and any number of actions, including murder, is a valid response to that belief being threatened.  I won't judge those who believe in a god of some kind, in fact I am very accepting of and stand up for the freedom of religion as long as that religion accepts all others and in particular my right to disbelieve.  Whether or not I am an atheist or a deist, like our founding fathers, is of no matter, the point is that what you believe or don't is personal to you and is one of your basic human rights.  That's a really, really big point.  How you imagine an entity of higher power, if you imagine one at all, happens only in your mind.  Words written in a book have been written by men (women too, but those have all been burned and buried) and if you want to follow the ideals of those writings then that is your choice as well.  Personally, I see being a responsible human being in charge of your own actions is much more evolved than allowing yourself to believe that a higher power controls all actions and the fact that you just hurt or killed someone is not your fault because your god deemed it the right thing to do.  Which brings me to this story.
     In Pakistan there is one Mrs. Bibi, mother of  five and a Christian in a predominately Muslim society.  Mrs. Bibi is currently in jail awaiting possible execution for blasphemy.  That's right, it's 2010, not 1020 and someone is in jail accused of blasphemy.  The particulars are this;  working on a farm, Mrs. Bibi brought her fellow workers some water which they, being Muslim, would not accept because Mrs. Bibi, being Christian, made the water "impure".  Well, offense was taken, words were exchanged and in Pakistan, only Muslims have the right to be right.  This is my problem with religion going beyond the personal.  When it becomes entwined in nationalism, it becomes fatal.  Hence, our deist founding fathers of America stressing the importance of the "Separation of Church and State". 
     This isn't a condemnation of Muslims or Christians, it is a condemnation of fundamentalists whether in Pakistan or the United States and of any and all religions.  I always thought "fundamental" meant "most basic" but in today's world, it means "most biased, most ignorant, most hateful, most non-accepting, most intolerant" . . . I could go on.  Writing this I remember vividly my high school years. . . in an over-crowded school of a thousand, a mixed bag of mostly Catholics, Protestants and Jews, there was one Muslim boy.  Every day at lunch, in a delinquent filled cafeteria, he prayed before he ate.  No one, and I do mean no one, would have ever thought of intruding on his peace of mind for those few minutes.  We're losing that civility in this modern world.  Intolerance of "others" is becoming the norm.  Divide and conquer, build walls to keep them out, drive out the infidels, whatever your battle-cry, you make us less human.  Mrs. Bibi offered a moments relief in the spirit of acceptance and was scorned because of what, she read words from a different book?  She should be killed for words?  Is this the same as Joe Lieberman calling for the execution of Julian Assange for the words he posted on Wikileaks?
   Free Mrs. Bibi.  Free Mr. Assange.  Free speech, religious or political.  The Mouse is bothered.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Killing the messenger sends the wrong message . . .

     It's probably not going to end well for our hero, Julian Assange, and he probably knows that.  Personally I think he has been prepared for this from the outset of his passionate crusade of exposing the truth.  Anyone with his level of internet-savvy, or for that matter, just about anyone who uses a computer has witnessed the "powers that be" trying to maneuver into positions of control over this last bastion of free speech, or the name I love, the Blogosphere.  Should the United States use its bullying tactics to override the Swedish legal system (really, who's going to stop them) and force them to hand over Mr. Assange after they extradite him from his current holding cell in Britain, where we should point out, he turned himself in in regards to Sweden's warrants for his arrest on rape and molestation charges, they would have him skewered and roasted before anyone could say false arrest.
     Apparently the Swedish court has dropped the "rape" charge and only holds on to the molestation one since one of the two women accusers, Ann Ardin, seems to have fled and information from her or about her seems to be systematically disappearing on the web.  http://nicholasmead.com/2010/08/21/how-to-smear-a-hero/
This woman has past ties to the CIA, need we say more.  This was a sloppy set-up and having no real charges other than "you embarrassed the once and powerful USA", the American military-industrial controllers of freedom are at this moment changing laws and drumming up charges.  The corporate media spin machine has already whipped the sheeple into a frenzy of "Kill the Messenger"!!!
     That's the other thing, WikiLeaks did not steal the information from the Pentagon, they only printed it just like the New York Times and the Guardian in Britain. Does the term Free Press mean anything anymore?  Of course not, you silly progressive liberals.  The real source of the memos and videos so far produced, and this is not funny, is a young disgruntled Pfc. Bradley Manning who now, at last check anyway, is sitting in a cell at Quantico military prison. The accusations he faces for leaking this info, violations of the Military Code of Justice, could bring him a fifty-two year sentence with no pay and a dishonorable discharge.  The trial may not be for another year and this mouse would not be surprised if the Brass, under pressure from those who benefit most from the secrecy of their corruption, find a way to escalate the charges and execute the poor boy.
     Freedom of speech, one of the most important fucking concepts that this country was founded upon, is now becoming equal to treason.  The Patriot Act, the most un-American and hideously fascist piece of work slipped under the noses of the populace under false pretense, has enabled the systematic destruction of our Constitution and hard-gained civil rights.  The FBI are rounding up political dissenters in unprecedented numbers.  We need WikiLeaks, we need a free internet, we need free speech and a free press and we can never stop fighting for the truth to be made public.  Wouldn't it be nice if Sweden told the United States, "Fuck off!, we're not playing your silly games anymore!, and we won't let you kill the messenger!".

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

All news is bad news?

I must admit, this has been a trying day.  Let's rehash; the anniversary of John Lennon's assassination, Julian is in a British prison, hopefully protected from U.S. assassins, Obama lashes out at "idealist progressives" for expecting too much, new Wikileaks memos talk about certain Afghani males' penchant for fucking little boys, BP still making profits by devastating the environment, Canada still pushing for the most polluting oil extraction method ever conceived, and my cat still poops"outside the box".  The real war has begun, starship troopers, there will be casualties but there's no turning back now.  May the force be with you.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Angry Democrats?

     The Daily Beast (recommended reading) reports today that the Democrats are "Angry" over their compromise on the tax cut issue this weekend.  Yes, they went ahead and caved to the Republicans once more continuing the "Bush tax cuts for the rich" program for two more years making it quite certain that this will become a permanent gift to the rich for years to come.
Let me say to the Democrats . . . "You're angry? Well the majority in this country is F***ING IRATE!!".  too little, too late is the only phrase that comes to mind.  We voted you back some power in 2006 during the worst decade in U.S. history and what did you do with it? . . . shit!  The Republicans ran all over you as if you weren't even there and then again in 2008 we gave you a landslide victory and still the Republicans as a minority have been able to decimate all attempts at social reform.  You Democrats have pissed away any political capital you could have used to push through a progressive agenda.  With two years to go, I would have to say that we already have a lame-duck President to go along with a bunch of lame Democrats.
     I have to give it to the Republicans . . . they've been up front about their agenda since the Supreme Court appointed George W. Bush to the office of President in 2000.  They want a permanent Right-wing judiciary to make it extremely difficult for any progressive change on the local level because they are prone to appeal such cases all the way to the Supreme Court where they have the "court advantage".  They established the "rule by bullying" principle and rammed through Congress everything they've been screaming for since Nixon as soon as they had the power to do so.  The first thing they did with a rather hefty surplus in the Treasury was to give it to the Rich.  They blattenly stripped away environmental protection laws to suit their corporate supporters bringing them unheard of profits and an open door to grab control of the government even to the point of (and this is while you Democrat weaklings were supposedly in power) actually applying "personhood" to corporations making that control done and paid for.
     The Democratic Party has clearly failed us progressives and it is time to say goodbye.  We have been afraid to do this because we have no viable alternative and the usual cry of "voting against a Democrat is a vote for a Republican, chose the lesser of two evils".  As we now know, this doesn't work.  Let the Democrats have their hissy-fit on their way out the door.  We need a strong Progressive Party and nothing less. This could take years and things are going to get allot worse for most Americans before they get better.
     "Civil rights are not won by those afraid to lose." - attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Here's an excerpt from my life story . . .

This deals with transsexualism, gender dysphoria, and depression, just to warn you beforehand . . . 

A Cycle Completes

            Sixty years ago today I was a fetus approximately three months in the making.  I was life not yet born into the world, probably going through the developmental and hormonal processes that would set me apart from the norm and much later in life labeling me as transsexual.  My brain, normal in every way as far as I was concerned, was developing as most female brains would.  However, the hormonal signals that were sent to the parts department told them to build a male body.  I now know that this happens quite often and has happened throughout human history but being pushed out into a very “male or female” world made my life a challenge from the first moments I was able to express my “self”.
            The importance of it being sixty years is that it completes the five, twelve year, element cycles of traditional Chinese astrology.  Now, years of the Western calendar do not entirely correspond to the Eastern system so, because of a placemat in a Chinese-American restaurant I had for so many years believed that I was born in the Year of the Tiger, 1950, but in fact, since the Chinese new year didn’t start until February 16th, both my fetal development and birth happened in the Year of the Ox, quite a different character indeed.  Both seem to fit, however.

            I’ve always loved and admired tigers. I think they are the most beautiful creatures ever conceived by nature.  I always felt akin to their solitary nature, being so alone myself.  Not that I wanted to be alone, not at all.  I wanted the love of my parents like any three or four year old but that love came with conditions.  The harshest one was that I had to stop thinking of myself as a girl even though I knew perfectly well what I was, at least on the inside.  I was quite verbal as a tot and remember saying one evening watching our new black and white television with the doors that swung open to reveal the round screen, “That would be a nice dress for me.” referring to the shapely songstress in the very shiny gown.  The reaction to that harmless statement was a look of disgust and horror on Mommy and Daddy’s faces and a barrage of lecturing on why boys don’t say those things and I was never, ever to say anything like that again.  Maybe I had been saying things like this all along but this was the one moment that was imprinted on my mind for all eternity.  So, it was clear that they wanted a boy and I would just have to act like one or else, though I did manage several times to get my Mom to paint my nails when she was doing hers but at the risk of my father catching me and giving me the “I don’t want a sissy for a son” lecture.

       Now, back in 1954, and particularly in my house, sex and private parts were not something one talked about and being the only child at the time and having never seen my parents naked I truly didn’t know that girls and boys were different between the legs.  I thought everyone had a Peenie.  The revelation and mental imprint number two came when I was playing with two little girls on the block and one said on a whim, “Let’s pull down our pants”.  Nothing wrong with that, I thought until the truth was revealed.  I remember nothing after that other than the horror that someone had cut off her peenie.  I’m not sure how I told this to my Mom and I can’t recall getting a decent explanation from her, only that boys have peenies and girls don’t.  This is when I began to see myself as a mistake.  They, my parents, were seeing me only from the outside, not where I really was behind my eyes.  I was trapped!   Each night after the obligatory “Now I lay me down to sleep . . .” I prayed inside my head (where I was sure God could hear me) that I would wake up the next morning as a little girl and all would be forgotten.   No such luck . . . and then the dreams started . . .  same dream each night but all wrong.   Trapped in an empty room in an old house, a witch comes in, the evil one from Snow White, I believe, and with a hideous cackling, transforms me into a girl.  Just what I wanted but why so scary?  Waking up was always a disappointment.  I also began to see God as an evil witch.

            So, I began my acting career at a very early age just to hustle a little affection and each night lay in bed with my big stuffed cat, lonely and confused.  I don’t remember its name but that cat was important to me.  These memory imprints seem to be based in trauma and this scene comes to mind where my mother walks into my bedroom, grabs the cat and says “This is too worn out.  It’s time to throw it away.”  Throw it away?  Could she throw me away just as easily?  I needed that cat!  Who would I hug at night?  And the only words imprinted on that scene of kitty being summarily marched off were “Stop crying!”  Stop crying . . . I heard that a lot.  In fact it’s the most common phrase in my memory bank for that era.  Life just got a whole lot lonelier for a four-year-old girl living behind boy’s eyes.

            It’s time to introduce my parents, Leo and Shirley.  They’re gone now so I doubt they’ll object to me using their real names.  (no one’s innocent in this story)  Dad was a good singer and he loved to sing to me.  I remember that most.  Songs in French, (we were French-Canadians living in the French-Canadian projects for low-income factory workers . . . Montreal must have been some shit-hole if New Bedford, Mass was where the grass was greener) from his growing up and cowboy songs that were popular then on 1950’s radio.  Sitting on his lap in a rocking chair . . . “Cool . . . clear . . . water”.  That was as close as I ever got to my father and I shouldn’t complain, he put the music in me.  Not that Mom wasn’t equally gifted, she sounded just like the radio when she crooned those songs by Dinah Shore and Doris Day.  I knew she wanted to be like them, so did I for that matter.  But back to Dad, my namesake, yes I was a “Junior”. 

In the beginning . . .

     Welcome!  This is day one of the Jedi-Mouse blog.  Frankly, I find it easier to pilot a spacecraft through a wormhole than to design a web page but I'm not dead yet and we will get through this.  This site will most likely go through an evolution as we travel this path together.  That's me and whoever might stumble onto this collection of rants, writings, music and videos from a rather disturbed, small but powerful mouse-mind.
     I will be speaking my mind, of course, and also posting things that I find most relevant or worthy of comment as well as some excerpts and articles I've written in the past.  I wish me luck and now let's go to the "Help" page.