Rantings from a Transsexual Warrior Princess in the form of a mouse who has completed her Jedi training.

Thursday, February 6, 2020
Voting in America was imperfect, now it's disolving.
Stardate; 02062020, or "The Endtimes of Voting in America"
Yes, my follower(s), we are listening to the final gasps of system that once held some hope of evolving into an actual Democracy as it suffocates under its own weight of "ism's". Capitalism, Racism, FuckyouIgotmineism, Antisocialism, Fascism, you get the gist.
If you thought things were rigged in the 2016 election, boy howdy, y'all ain't seen nothin' yet! (sorry, the mouse has been watching old Westerns featuring Kirk Douglas) Let's just hop over the non-impeachment of D.T.Shitforbrains and get right to the Iowa train wreck, or "if there really was a way to run a caucus we sure don't have a clue" and how letting old people with smartphones tally a vote was a great idea. Seriously, what could go wrong? And that, my chillins, is very much dependent on your point of bias. If you are the DNC then the worst thing that happened was Bernie Sanders being born and devoting an entire life to social reform, equality, justice, things we used to think were American ideals. The DNC, otherwise known as Wall Street Democrats, has gotten so addicted to sucking on the corporate tit that they can't imagine a world where a strong middle class and income equality is a strong societal plus. An educated and healthy majority means a higher standard of living for all, not just the Washington elite and their corporate masters. We're using the word "anointing" again when talking about the favored DNC candidate and since Uncle Joe just ain't performing well enough to even get to a cheating chance the WS eyes turn to the next corporate friendly white guy, Mayor Pete. Therefore when the caucus was so obviously swarming to TeamBernie on Tuesday evening the DNC operatives pulled the plug on the vote count until their young geek minions could rearrange the outcome to appear as if Pete was in the lead with Bernie. It was of course a lie but they certainly couldn't have Bernie running away with a strong showing into New Hampshire, there would be no stopping him at that point.
Let's take a moment to remember what happened in 2016 when they pulled this shit on Bernie so that the anointed Hillary would arise as the DNC savior ... hubris and Russian hacking got D.T.Shitforbrains elected and what did they learn from that? . . . obviously not a fucking thing, other than installing apps that they could manipulate to their advantage.
The bias from Team Bernie was "We know you're going to try to fuck us again so we're installing our own app and not telling you!" Brilliant! So the Bernie app that didn't get shut down comes out with Bernie on top and MayorPete in 4th! Oh my stars and stripes! Even Warren beat Pete and that ain't good for the 1%! You can bet your rosy cheeks that this will be put out as "conspiracy theory" by the corporate media and labeled underhanded shenanigans because it's not just republicans who hate facts.
Will I vote against Shitforbrains no matter what? Of course I will but until that day I will vote against the DNC.
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