Rantings from a Transsexual Warrior Princess in the form of a mouse who has completed her Jedi training.

Monday, December 26, 2016
Let's go another year
Merry happy holidays, believers, non-believers, idiots, savants, time travelers, con-artists, and of course my fellow transgendered humanoids. Living in America? lucky, fucking you! Ain't this a shitstorm! We almost thought we were getting somewhere, right? Like me, you didn't think he had a snowball's chance in hell, right? And yet, weren't we the fools, thinking that America couldn't possibly be such a collective of ignorant bastards. It's happened, yes, the idiots are indeed running the asylum and we need to be very wary. I know most of you are very nice, peace minded individuals and won't like this but I strongly advise all transgender folk to take the course, get a permit and get yourself a gun. (and of course, if you're in one of those states where you can just go down to the 7Eleven and buy that Mag .44, do it!)Don't try to buy them for the rest of us, I don't want you putting yourself in jeopardy.
We transfolk are about to become the most convenient scapegoat for the next four years and possibly the next eight. We must brace ourselves for a tirade of legislation to keep us from being considered part of humanity. Lock and load, ladies. The most unexpected side effect of this year's election is the opening of the gates of repressed hatred. Hate speech has become normalized in the discourse of corporate media, and much worse than that, violent action against liberals, progressives, gays, transfolk, educators, scientists, non-whites is sanctioned by virtue of a Trump presidency. There will be internal backlash at first, but this well played coup has all the money people in place to shut down any opposition. Sorry, McCain.
All that and I wanted to talk about loneliness. Go figure.
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