Rantings from a Transsexual Warrior Princess in the form of a mouse who has completed her Jedi training.

Thursday, February 6, 2020
Voting in America was imperfect, now it's disolving.
Stardate; 02062020, or "The Endtimes of Voting in America"
Yes, my follower(s), we are listening to the final gasps of system that once held some hope of evolving into an actual Democracy as it suffocates under its own weight of "ism's". Capitalism, Racism, FuckyouIgotmineism, Antisocialism, Fascism, you get the gist.
If you thought things were rigged in the 2016 election, boy howdy, y'all ain't seen nothin' yet! (sorry, the mouse has been watching old Westerns featuring Kirk Douglas) Let's just hop over the non-impeachment of D.T.Shitforbrains and get right to the Iowa train wreck, or "if there really was a way to run a caucus we sure don't have a clue" and how letting old people with smartphones tally a vote was a great idea. Seriously, what could go wrong? And that, my chillins, is very much dependent on your point of bias. If you are the DNC then the worst thing that happened was Bernie Sanders being born and devoting an entire life to social reform, equality, justice, things we used to think were American ideals. The DNC, otherwise known as Wall Street Democrats, has gotten so addicted to sucking on the corporate tit that they can't imagine a world where a strong middle class and income equality is a strong societal plus. An educated and healthy majority means a higher standard of living for all, not just the Washington elite and their corporate masters. We're using the word "anointing" again when talking about the favored DNC candidate and since Uncle Joe just ain't performing well enough to even get to a cheating chance the WS eyes turn to the next corporate friendly white guy, Mayor Pete. Therefore when the caucus was so obviously swarming to TeamBernie on Tuesday evening the DNC operatives pulled the plug on the vote count until their young geek minions could rearrange the outcome to appear as if Pete was in the lead with Bernie. It was of course a lie but they certainly couldn't have Bernie running away with a strong showing into New Hampshire, there would be no stopping him at that point.
Let's take a moment to remember what happened in 2016 when they pulled this shit on Bernie so that the anointed Hillary would arise as the DNC savior ... hubris and Russian hacking got D.T.Shitforbrains elected and what did they learn from that? . . . obviously not a fucking thing, other than installing apps that they could manipulate to their advantage.
The bias from Team Bernie was "We know you're going to try to fuck us again so we're installing our own app and not telling you!" Brilliant! So the Bernie app that didn't get shut down comes out with Bernie on top and MayorPete in 4th! Oh my stars and stripes! Even Warren beat Pete and that ain't good for the 1%! You can bet your rosy cheeks that this will be put out as "conspiracy theory" by the corporate media and labeled underhanded shenanigans because it's not just republicans who hate facts.
Will I vote against Shitforbrains no matter what? Of course I will but until that day I will vote against the DNC.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Jedi-Mouse: As is usual I have been absent for way too long. I...
Jedi-Mouse: As is usual I have been absent for way too long. I...: As is usual I have been absent for way too long. In fact, two Star Wars franchise movies have come and gone as well as two seasons of Star T...
As is usual I have been absent for way too long. In fact, two Star Wars franchise movies have come and gone as well as two seasons of Star Trek ala CBS. Meh. But that's not why I resurfaced. Humans are approaching the end of their brief run on this planet and I think that I should start putting in a word or two about how I feel about that. Sad, of course, is the first word. Who could not be dismayed at the thought that a species who evolved to such self-awareness of its place in the universe would sink to a level of self-importance, greed, quest for power over its kin and of all the millions of Earthlings be the one who put self interest over species survival. We humans gave up our connection to the planet when we invented religion and the creation of cult. Once humans accepted the rule of a chosen leader, then the battle for who would be that leader was the rule of the first societies. We made it more complex by adding law, codes of ethics, a merchant class. Each addition to a structured society took us further away from our connection to the planet and through it our connection to the universe. The Leader became synonymous with God or Gods or convinced the masses that they spoke for those Gods. Money was introduced to create the mass weapon of debt and it became the true God. Humans and their connection to the Earth never really had a chance once that started. Everything that has evolved since has been a derivation of the debt cycle owned by a significantly few old world families who are known as bankers. These old clans captured the gestalt of human evolution and never let it go for a second. They are the funders of all wars, the creators of feasts and famines, the faces behind the masks. And most importantly, they are the reason humankind is dying. Our only hope of species survival, and it is very unlikely, is that we behead the members of these banking families with due haste, abolish all borders of nationalities, disarm all of the world's armies and once again live as humans.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Ah, once again I have been absent for more time than I should have. My duties take me to other realms and other battles which not all been successful. On the personal front I have made gains but it is a strenuous and slow battle. So, I have come back to witness the downfall of the USA as it has been known to be. Maybe we shouldn't be so sad of this downfall since the self image of the USA was quite an offshoot from reality. An experiment concocted by wealthy European white men escaping the rule of a monarchy for a chance to wipe out an indigenous race of naturalists for the purpose of monetizing their land - this is what "America" was based on. Whiteness, misogyny, land ownership, the right to own "inferior" humans . . . this is what "America" was based on. However, in only a little more than two hundred years, though struggle of what is right and just the people changed this country into a better experiment, one of democratic rule and the rights of all. Alas, history repeats itself and the cycle of oppression continues with the emergence of the Tea Party Republicans. (do they have any clue to who the real Tea Party represented?) These asshats are so uneducated, misguided, willing to follow the most absurd tenents of libertarianism as to win over a drunken populace into putting a treasonous, self-obsessed manchild into the highest office of this falling empire. It's only fitting, you know. As an off-world observer, you gave up your power of the vote willingly. Yes, we know that the game is rigged but if you don't play, you can't win. (credits to R.H.)So, peons . . . what's to do? As races go, you humans are not really battle material . . . I've been fighting with, well nevermind, they don't want to contact you anyway . . . then if you're not going to behead the idiots in charge, who have manipulated the system so that your votes will never produce the outcome you desire on a national level, what about working from the ground up? Build locally. Establish sustainable communities. Base all local political movements on equal rights, healthcare and education for all. Be a welcoming society to those in need. Vote out the greedy, self-serving career leeches who profit off crony capitalism. Take back the experiment of the USA from City Hall and up. And don't be afraid of the scared idiots with all the firearms . . . they'll probably shoot themselves in the foot.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
Chronicals of Jedi-Mouse, Stardate 12012017
On a world scale, chaos ensues. The politics of individual countries is shit. The few who manipulate the world's economy and military maneuverings in that regard are wringing their hands in the final moments of a foreseeable victory. The lack of real food and clean water is about to initiate a culling of the human species. Those who have been in power for the last several centuries will remain in rule, choosing who among their acolytes will rise to enjoy their good graces while leaving the rest to be mauled and eaten by the servant class that they have worked so hard to create.
Or . .. the majority of us who are not elitist crap rise up and take down the rich overlords and build a new society based on humanitarian values and not monetary ones.
In the meantime . . . watching the fall of the USA is almost binge-worthy.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
I went out this morning. It's a beautiful day and I felt like I didn't belong in it. When you spend 99% of your leisure time alone, how does life not become all about you? I say this in the "me" sense and I don't care for this reality at all. Maybe that's why I spend so much time watching movies and tv series where I can become involved in virtual lives. Even after escaping decades of denial and living as "me" I'd rather continue escaping into "not me".
I'm never truly alone however, there's always the cat, Bushi and Jedi-Mouse, the personification of my depression. The cat and I connect in a behavioral pattern that only permits two modes of interaction - when she's hungry I feed her and in bed I must extend an arm so she may rub her head in my hand then plop her 19 pounds on top of my arm until it loses all feeling. Love can be strange but it's still love and it leaves the major part of my alone time to deal with my depression. I say "my depression" because it is indeed a particular type that requires much care and feeding or it begins to leak out into my 1% of social leisure time and invariably ruin the experience. Most weeks it demands a full day or a little more of my complete attention which is doable and I consider it a sort of "truce or cease-fire, call it detente" and it allows me to pose as a functional human and even run a business.
I've been writing the Jedi-Mouse blog for years yet it only recently occurred to me that the Mouse was indeed my depression and a separate entity. On occasion I'll read the old blogs and as dark as they are they still seems like old friends. So often people who learn even a little about me say, "OMG! You should write a book!" They should read this blog from the beginning then they might reconsider. I do have an idea though, since the Mouse loves to stay up late, get really drunk, sit half naked at the keyboard and thrash out at the virtual consciousness of social media as if it were a cosmic therapist, I think I should begin the "Chronicles of Jedi-Mouse", sometimes taking excepts from old blog posts and sometimes just letting the drunken rodent have at it. How this would be different from the original blog I'm not sure but it my be more frequent.
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